Hermetic CUDA overview

Hermetic CUDA uses a specific downloadable version of CUDA instead of the user’s locally installed CUDA. Bazel will download CUDA, CUDNN and NCCL distributions, and then use CUDA libraries and tools as dependencies in various Bazel targets. This enables more reproducible builds for Google ML projects and supported CUDA versions.

Supported hermetic CUDA, CUDNN versions

The supported CUDA versions are specified in CUDA_REDIST_JSON_DICT dictionary, third_party/gpus/cuda/hermetic/cuda_redist_versions.bzl.

The supported CUDNN versions are specified in CUDNN_REDIST_JSON_DICT dictionary, third_party/gpus/cuda/hermetic/cuda_redist_versions.bzl.

The .bazelrc files of individual projects have HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION, HERMETIC_CUDNN_VERSION environment variables set to the versions used by default when --config=cuda is specified in Bazel command options.

Environment variables controlling the hermetic CUDA/CUDNN versions

HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION environment variable should consist of major, minor and patch CUDA version, e.g. 12.3.2. HERMETIC_CUDNN_VERSION environment variable should consist of major, minor and patch CUDNN version, e.g. 9.1.1.

Three ways to set the environment variables for Bazel commands:

# Add an entry to your `.bazelrc` file
build:cuda --repo_env=HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION="12.3.2"
build:cuda --repo_env=HERMETIC_CUDNN_VERSION="9.1.1"

# OR pass it directly to your specific build command
bazel build --config=cuda <target> \
--repo_env=HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION="12.3.2" \

# If .bazelrc doesn't have corresponding entries and the environment variables
# are not passed to bazel command, you can set them globally in your shell:

If HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION and HERMETIC_CUDNN_VERSION are not present, the hermetic CUDA/CUDNN repository rules will look up TF_CUDA_VERSION and TF_CUDNN_VERSION environment variables values. This is made for the backward compatibility with non-hermetic CUDA/CUDNN repository rules.

The mapping between CUDA version and NCCL distribution version to be downloaded is specified in third_party/gpus/cuda/hermetic/cuda_redist_versions.bzl

Configure hermetic CUDA

  1. In the downstream project dependent on XLA, add the following lines to the bottom of the WORKSPACE file:

       cuda_redistributions = CUDA_REDISTRIBUTIONS,
       cudnn_redistributions = CUDNN_REDISTRIBUTIONS,
    cuda_configure(name = "local_config_cuda")
    nccl_configure(name = "local_config_nccl")
  2. To select specific versions of hermetic CUDA and CUDNN, set the HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION and HERMETIC_CUDNN_VERSION environment variables respectively. Use only supported versions. You may set the environment variables directly in your shell or in .bazelrc file as shown below:

    build:cuda --repo_env=HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION="12.3.2"
    build:cuda --repo_env=HERMETIC_CUDNN_VERSION="9.1.1"
    build:cuda --repo_env=HERMETIC_CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES="sm_50,sm_60,sm_70,sm_80,compute_90"
  3. To enable hermetic CUDA during test execution, or when running a binary via bazel, make sure to add --@local_config_cuda//cuda:include_cuda_libs=true flag to your bazel command. You can provide it either directly in a shell or in .bazelrc:

    build:cuda --@local_config_cuda//cuda:include_cuda_libs=true

    The flag is needed to make sure that CUDA dependencies are properly provided to test executables. The flag is false by default to avoid unwanted coupling of Google-released Python wheels to CUDA binaries.

  4. To enforce CUDA forward compatibility mode, add --@cuda_driver//:enable_forward_compatibility=true flag to your bazel command. You can provide it either directly in a shell or in .bazelrc:

    test:cuda --@cuda_driver//:enable_forward_compatibility=true

    Forward compatibility mode should be enforced only when it is appropriate - see NVIDIA documentation for the details.

Upgrade hermetic CUDA/CUDNN version

  1. Create and submit a pull request with updated CUDA_REDIST_JSON_DICT, CUDA_REDIST_JSON_DICT dictionaries in third_party/gpus/cuda/hermetic/cuda_redist_versions.bzl.

    Update CUDA_NCCL_WHEELS in third_party/gpus/cuda/hermetic/cuda_redist_versions.bzl if needed.

    Update REDIST_VERSIONS_TO_BUILD_TEMPLATES in third_party/gpus/cuda/hermetic/cuda_redist_versions.bzl if needed.

  2. For each Google ML project create a separate pull request with updated HERMETIC_CUDA_VERSION and HERMETIC_CUDNN_VERSION in .bazelrc file.

    The PR presubmit job executions will launch bazel tests and download hermetic CUDA/CUDNN distributions. Verify that the presubmit jobs passed before submitting the PR.

Pointing to CUDA/CUDNN/NCCL redistributions on local file system

You can use the local CUDA/CUDNN/NCCL dirs as a source of redistributions. The following additional environment variables are required:



# Add an entry to your `.bazelrc` file
build:cuda --repo_env=LOCAL_CUDA_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/cuda"
build:cuda --repo_env=LOCAL_CUDNN_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/cudnn"
build:cuda --repo_env=LOCAL_NCCL_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/nccl"

# OR pass it directly to your specific build command
bazel build --config=cuda <target> \
--repo_env=LOCAL_CUDA_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/cuda" \
--repo_env=LOCAL_CUDNN_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/cudnn" \

# If .bazelrc doesn't have corresponding entries and the environment variables
# are not passed to bazel command, you can set them globally in your shell:
export LOCAL_CUDA_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/cuda"
export LOCAL_CUDNN_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/cudnn"
export LOCAL_NCCL_PATH="/foo/bar/nvidia/nccl"

The structure of the folders inside CUDA dir should be the following (as if the archived redistributions were unpacked into one place):


The structure of the folders inside CUDNN dir should be the following:


The structure of the folders inside NCCL dir should be the following:


Custom CUDA/CUDNN archives and NCCL wheels

There are three options that allow usage of custom CUDA/CUDNN distributions.

Custom CUDA/CUDNN redistribution JSON files

This option allows to use custom distributions for all CUDA/CUDNN dependencies in Google ML projects.

  1. Create cuda_redist.json and/or cudnn_redist.json files.

    cuda_redist.json show follow the format below:

       "cuda_cccl": {
          "linux-x86_64": {
             "relative_path": "cuda_cccl-linux-x86_64-12.4.99-archive.tar.xz",
          "linux-sbsa": {
             "relative_path": "cuda_cccl-linux-sbsa-12.4.99-archive.tar.xz",

    cudnn_redist.json show follow the format below:

       "cudnn": {
          "linux-x86_64": {
             "cuda12": {
             "relative_path": "cudnn/linux-x86_64/cudnn-linux-x86_64-",
          "linux-sbsa": {
             "cuda12": {
             "relative_path": "cudnn/linux-sbsa/cudnn-linux-sbsa-",

    The relative_path field can be replaced with full_path for the full URLs and absolute local paths starting with file:///.

  2. In the downstream project dependent on XLA, update the hermetic cuda JSON repository call in WORKSPACE file. Both web links and local file paths are allowed. Example:

       "12.4.0": [
       "9.0.0": [
       cuda_json_dict = _CUDA_JSON_DICT,
       cudnn_json_dict = _CUDNN_JSON_DICT,

    If JSON files contain relative paths to distributions, the path prefix should be updated in cuda_redist_init_repositories() and cudnn_redist_init_repository() calls. Example

       cuda_redistributions = CUDA_REDISTRIBUTIONS,
       cuda_redist_path_prefix = "file:///usr/Downloads/dists/",

Custom CUDA/CUDNN distributions

This option allows to use custom distributions for some CUDA/CUDNN dependencies in Google ML projects.

  1. In the downstream project dependent on XLA, remove the lines below:

       cuda_json_dict = CUDA_REDIST_JSON_DICT,
       cudnn_json_dict = CUDNN_REDIST_JSON_DICT,
  2. In the same WORKSPACE file, create dictionaries with distribution paths.

    The dictionary with CUDA distributions show follow the format below:

       "cuda_cccl": {
          "linux-x86_64": {
             "relative_path": "cuda_cccl-linux-x86_64-12.4.99-archive.tar.xz",
          "linux-sbsa": {
             "relative_path": "cuda_cccl-linux-sbsa-12.4.99-archive.tar.xz",

    The dictionary with CUDNN distributions show follow the format below:

       "cudnn": {
          "linux-x86_64": {
             "cuda12": {
             "relative_path": "cudnn/linux-x86_64/cudnn-linux-x86_64-",
          "linux-sbsa": {
             "cuda12": {
             "relative_path": "cudnn/linux-sbsa/cudnn-linux-sbsa-",

    The relative_path field can be replaced with full_path for the full URLs and absolute local paths starting with file:///.

  3. In the same WORKSPACE file, pass the created dictionaries to the repository rule. If the dictionaries contain relative paths to distributions, the path prefix should be updated in cuda_redist_init_repositories() and cudnn_redist_init_repository() calls.

       cuda_redistributions = _CUSTOM_CUDA_REDISTRIBUTIONS,
       cuda_redist_path_prefix = "file:///home/usr/Downloads/dists/",
       cudnn_redistributions = _CUSTOM_CUDNN_REDISTRIBUTIONS,
       cudnn_redist_path_prefix = "file:///home/usr/Downloads/dists/cudnn/"

    Combination of the options above

In the example below, CUDA_REDIST_JSON_DICT is merged with custom JSON data in _CUDA_JSON_DICT, and CUDNN_REDIST_JSON_DICT is merged with _CUDNN_JSON_DICT.

The distributions data in _CUDA_DIST_DICT overrides the content of resulting CUDA JSON file, and the distributions data in _CUDNN_DIST_DICT overrides the content of resulting CUDNN JSON file. The NCCL wheels data is merged from CUDA_NCCL_WHEELS and _NCCL_WHEEL_DICT.


   "12.4.0": [

   "9.0.0": [

   cuda_json_dict = CUDA_REDIST_JSON_DICT | _CUDA_JSON_DICT,



   "cuda_cccl": {
      "linux-x86_64": {
            "relative_path": "cuda_cccl-linux-x86_64-12.4.99-archive.tar.xz",
      "linux-sbsa": {
            "relative_path": "cuda_cccl-linux-sbsa-12.4.99-archive.tar.xz",
   "libcusolver": {
      "linux-x86_64": {
            "full_path": "file:///usr/Downloads/dists/libcusolver-linux-x86_64-",
      "linux-sbsa": {
         "relative_path": "libcusolver-linux-sbsa-",

   "cudnn": {
      "linux-x86_64": {
            "cuda12": {
               "relative_path": "cudnn-linux-x86_64-",
      "linux-sbsa": {
            "cuda12": {
               "relative_path": "cudnn-linux-sbsa-",

   cuda_redistributions = CUDA_REDISTRIBUTIONS | _CUDA_DIST_DICT,
   cuda_redist_path_prefix = "file:///usr/Downloads/dists/",

   cudnn_redistributions = CUDNN_REDISTRIBUTIONS | _CUDNN_DIST_DICT,
   cudnn_redist_path_prefix = "file:///usr/Downloads/dists/cudnn/"


   "12.4.0": {
      "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": {
            "url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/38/00/d0d4e48aef772ad5aebcf70b73028f88db6e5640b36c38e90445b7a57c45/nvidia_nccl_cu12-2.19.3-py3-none-manylinux1_x86_64.whl",

   cuda_nccl_wheels = CUDA_NCCL_WHEELS | _NCCL_WHEEL_DICT,

DEPRECATED: Non-hermetic CUDA/CUDNN usage

Though non-hermetic CUDA/CUDNN usage is deprecated, it might be used for some experiments currently unsupported officially (for example, building wheels on Windows with CUDA).

Here are the steps to use non-hermetic CUDA installed locally in Google ML projects:

  1. Delete calls to hermetic CUDA repository rules from the WORKSPACE file of the project dependent on XLA.

  2. Add the calls to non-hermetic CUDA repository rules to the bottom of the WORKSPACE file.

    For XLA and JAX:

    load("@tsl//third_party/gpus:cuda_configure.bzl", "cuda_configure")
    cuda_configure(name = "local_config_cuda")
    load("@tsl//third_party/nccl:nccl_configure.bzl", "nccl_configure")
    nccl_configure(name = "local_config_nccl")

    For Tensorflow:

    load("@local_tsl//third_party/gpus:cuda_configure.bzl", "cuda_configure")
    cuda_configure(name = "local_config_cuda")
    load("@local_tsl//third_party/nccl:nccl_configure.bzl", "nccl_configure")
    nccl_configure(name = "local_config_nccl")
  3. Set the following environment variables directly in your shell or in .bazelrc file as shown below:

    build:cuda --action_env=TF_CUDA_VERSION=<locally installed cuda version>
    build:cuda --action_env=TF_CUDNN_VERSION=<locally installed cudnn version>
    build:cuda --action_env=TF_CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES=<CUDA compute capabilities>
    build:cuda --action_env=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<CUDA/CUDNN libraries folder locations divided by “:” sign>
    build:cuda --action_env=CUDA_TOOLKIT_PATH=<preinstalled CUDA folder location>
    build:cuda --action_env=TF_CUDA_PATHS=<preinstalled CUDA/CUDNN folder locations divided by “,” sign>
    build:cuda --action_env=NCCL_INSTALL_PATH=<preinstalled NCCL library folder location>

    Note that TF_CUDA_VERSION and TF_CUDNN_VERSION should consist of major and minor versions only (e.g. 12.3 for CUDA and 9.1 for CUDNN).

  4. Now you can run bazel command to use locally installed CUDA and CUDNN.

    For XLA, no changes in the command options are needed.

    For JAX, use --override_repository=tsl=<tsl_path> flag in the Bazel command options.

    For Tensorflow, use --override_repository=local_tsl=<tsl_path> flag in the Bazel command options.